Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be yourself
— Herman Hesse

I am most myself in my studio. It’s on the 2nd floor of our home, nestled in the treetops. It’s filled with light and I can feel time standing still in here. I write, I cut, I fold and crumple, edit, test, experiment, ruminate and meditate. I enter this space both physically and spiritually.

prepped for a studio visit

prepped for a studio visit

My photo work between 2010-13 was a study of stillness through the play of light with the architectural elements throughout my home. I look at these images now and I can clearly see them as frozen stills of my moving life that seemed so static at the time of raising young children while a student in art school.

composition for a reflection, 2012

composition for a reflection, 2012

As we continue to shelter-in-place, I wonder how we can all create some space for a sanctuary that is beyond the physical. I am still adjusting to this new norm and am thinking a lot about mental health. I just registered for Yale’s online course, The Science of Well-Being, their most popular class in their 300-year history, with over 600,000 people who registered for it in March 2020 alone. Join me? Runs for the next 10 weeks, self-paced, 20 hours total, and it’s free! Starts this week.


I use this Zafu meditation cushion and thick yoga mat in my studio when I need to reflect.

I use this Zafu meditation cushion and thick yoga mat in my studio when I need to reflect.